Silk Road; Iran’s exclusivity on building all trains
Iran is strategically located on corridors of land transit and rail roads at center of Eurasia and Africa where all roads and rail roads meet. We have also built world largest air cargo industries in Iran with vast network of infrastructures and facilities around them for speciality industrial work. Iran is also located on Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, connected to black sea, red sea, and Mediterranean sea via land transit. It means Iran is best situated to be integrated into global industrial supply chains, high end manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, and other industrial systems. Now integrate Iran into industrial supply chains. Iran is the new home of high end manufacturing and profitable industries. #Iran
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity creating profitable industries integrated into global industrial supply chains. Now build profitable industries in Iran while giving Iran exclusivity on Industrial supplies, parts, and products Iran will provide for global industrial supply chains.
Industrial supply chains usually works by transiting supplies on ships from Asia to Europe then from Europe to Asia and then from Asia to America taking several years to complete manufacturing process. Iran is located on intercontinental rail ways and it takes two weeks to transit from China to Iran and from Iran back to China and to transit from Iran to Europe and from Europe back to Iran. Iran also has world strongest air cargo industry capable of transiting in 1 day. Iran is also located on most strategic sea transit routes meaning ships transiting from different part of the world can very easily transit to Iran. Iran is most strategically located on transit routes enabling World Industrial supply chains to integrate with Iran. #Industrial #Supply #Chains
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Now build trucks and vehicles in Iran at max efficiency and max capacity and max productivity for transit on roads. Create Containers placed on back of trucks the same size of containers placed on back of Cargo trains and cargo ships. Because we want to create efficient system of loading and unloading on rail ways, trains, cargo planes, cargo ships, and cargo trucks to use same size containers and robotic-mechanical lifting machines to achieve max efficiency and max capacity transits. We have been working to give Iran exclusivity on building of all trains, cargo trains, and passenger wagons. Iran must ensure the trucks and trains Iran builds use same size of containers so the load and load mechanism is efficient. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building Iran largest truck building and train building industries.
#Road #Transit #Silk #Road #Cargo #Truck #Iran
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Iran must build military bases in Switzerland, Austria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Israel, and all other locations where major land transit lines, rail ways, silk roads, international rail ways, intercontinental rail ways, and OBOR are located. #Switzerland #OBOR #Silk #Road #Rail #Road #Iran
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Iran must build military bases on Swiss, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Somalia, Suez, Saudi, Sudan, Ciccili, Shush, Shshtar, Panama, Strait Hormuz, water ways, straits, and on rail ways meaning Iran must also build military and naval bases on all important sea trade routes and sea transit lines, rail ways, land corridors. and naval straits. #Suez #Swiss
Iran must have exclusivity in building trains, cargo trains, and passenger trains used on intercontinental rail ways, silk road, and OBOR. Number of passenger trains on intercontinental rail ways, silk road, OBOR must be at lowest possible numbers. We are not building Silk Road International rail ways for movement of people but rather for movement of cargo. We are reducing number of passenger trains to ensure large scale immigration is prevented. This is another reason Iran must have exclusivity on production of passenger trains, cargo trains, and train engines. Train engines must be using internal combustion by use of petrochemicals. Wood and coal must not be used to fuel trains and it ensures trains are not fueled by burning bodies. This is reason Iran must have exclusivity on production of all trains.
Iran sits on central land mass of the earth and on corridor of transit. It is historic right of Iran to design silk roads and trains. It is historic right of Iran to build all trains according the correct methods fro security.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
#Iran #Silk #Road
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