Faraday Cages
Mind control happens due to use of electromagnetic and magnetic waves directed at brain, central nervous system, and muscles. They can also effect senses on skin by influencing specific dendrites. Each effect has its own frequency, wave length, power, shape, sequence, and pattern. The mind control infrastructures are located in walls, roof, ground, roads, car seats, environment, under water, and some of electronics. They had very long time to place mind control infrastructure in the nature, remote location, jungles, and seas. All of the animals in Amazon rain forest are also mind controlled. Mind control happens by the help of mind control computers. The artificial intelligence generates daily routines, thoughts, sexual relations, emotions, activities, schedules, and other habits periodically. If there is interuption artificial intelligence corrects it and sets them on original pathway. There mind control systems which take much longer time to engineer and produce. For example, a mind control system has sociocultural algorithms, believes, relations, projects, and long term goals. For example, after twenty years people start building factories or they start planning to go to the moon. They also have combat algorithms and world war algorithms depending on the system. For example, India and Bangladesh were about to achieve their historic goal before World War but weather warfare world war killed all of them what we call siege of Bangal. They had advanced technology and advanced culture. But after world war they never got to the point of attaining old technology again. But they automatically have sex and produce children to again reach the population threshold for their historic goal. Palestine had most advanced and complex sociocultural algorithm for sitting on the suez canal and land corridor between Asia and Africa. It was impossible to manipulate them and change their systems by systematic mind control wars and world wars. They were super power history. They were defeated by hydrogen bombs and then America planted Israel in Palestine. Syria had most resilience and complex sociocultural algorithm. Conversation between five Syrians would have shaped political process in Europe. America, Europe, China, and Britain sent mind controllers to Syria a decade in advance of Civil War constantly manipulating Society, Psychology, and thought process of Syrians until they engineered Civil wars and installed advanced combat algorithm of ISIS on them. Syria was work of thousand years of continuous sociocultural programing and genetic project. They were all killed by a stupid civil war because Israel hated Iran and Assad government. The Supreme Boss of mind control of Syria had said “before his death to terminally eliminate USA for ten thousand years. Syrians killed were the people meant to help Makan Abazari The Messenger of God.” To protect people from mind control we must build Faraday Cages. Faraday Cages must be built from multilayers of multiple conductive matter. The more is the conductivity the better it is. The more layers of conductive matter there is broader is the range of blocking of the frequencies. The Faraday Cage must be earthed by a wire deep underground and there must be means of spending accumulated electric charge by lamps, radiation, and other means. The Faraday Cage must be built from rough surface to distort the radiation, reflection, penetration, and reradiation to make it difficult to mind control by use of high energy radiations. The roughness of surface must also be in multiple fashions to first prevent the uniform reflection and reradiation and second it must be in a fashion to distort the frequency. Meaning very small roughness of surface must be also engineered to be smaller than frequency of the waves in order to distort the frequency itself. Another important factor which must be followed is use of multiple layers of such faraday cages to make it even more difficult to mind control from behind the faraday cages by placing distance between them. Meaning there is a faraday cage inside faraday cage with distance between the walls with none conductive matter between layers of conductive matters. Also the roughness of the surface can be manually manipulated by physical means to make it even more difficult. Just make sure the construction material you use for strong wall don’t have mind control equipment in them. You can protect yourself by placing the conductive layers inside the room toward living space. You can also use superconductors to protect yourself from very specific types of radiations which cannot be blocked by other means. Superconductors are super condensed matter and similar to Neutron Dense matter have high gravity. The high gravity captures extreme amount of radiation and locks them inside superconductors. Then you can pulsate the captured radiation from superconductor. USA:”I will bulldoze it.” We can use Super concrete material to ensure they are resistant to bulldozers and hydrogen bombs. There are concrete formulations when used with armators or other construction methods which are extremely powerful. These powerful structures last forever. We can use nanocarbon and other nano structures in concrete to make them even stronger. Nano structures and nano sheets make them very strong and capable of withstanding nuclear blasts. Iran:”Makan Abazari was work of ten thousand years of continuous mind control planning. But people who isolated him destroyed work of ten thousand years of continiois global mind control planning and engineering. They also destroyed parallel and cooperative projects which each lasted ten thousand years of continious mind control planning and they were to bare fruit when they met with Makan Abazari. But they never met him.” Mind control Beta:”The perfect World has little time to be created. End isolation of Makan Abazari. He must become official king of the earth within ten days of ending the isolation. We have very little time.” Makan Abazari The Messiah,
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