I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I must go to Tehran Iran as soon as possible. I am at 20 Walnut street Apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 continent of North America. I have not received any phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else since 14 years ago. Mind Controllers, Governments, Massachusetts, My Mind Controllers, and people of Massachusetts have not delivered a single phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else since 14 years ago. They have never delivered it to me. All of the people of Massachusetts have not delivered a single message to me. All of mind controllers who mind control me have not delivered a single message to me. All of post, mail, services, deliveries, peoples, governments, mind controllers, hackers, nations, intelligence agencies, societies, internet, and all others have not delivered a single phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else. All the nations have not delivered single message to me. I own all of Climate, Geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, climate control, weather, weather warfare, atmosphere, liquid mechanics, gas mechanics, tide control, polar shift, , ocean control systems, hurricanes, all similar things, all of the nations, all of the continents, all peoples, all men, all women, all mind controllers, all children, all humans, all species, all of planet earth, all of oceans, all countries, all metropolitans, all civilizations, all societies, all cities, all houses, all buildings, all money, all wealth, all towns, all states, all systems, all mass mind control systems, all global mass mind control systems, ten thousand years old mass mind control systems, all global mass mind control operating system of the world, all mind control operating systems, all integrated systems, all integrated regimes, all integrated supersystems, things not mentioned here, all political industries, all geopolitics, all world order, balance of power, all of Space industries, all telecommunications, all internet, all global systems, all factories, all houses, all lands, all trees, all towns, all villages, all manufacturing, all dastgah, all industrial supply chains, all factories, all reactors, all bioreactors, all technology, all high technology, all advanced tech, all assembly, all industrial metropolitans, all industrial systems, all manufacturing industries, all hardware etch, all hardware high tech, All technology, all techniques, all polytechniques, all banks, all stock markets, all money, all shares, all properties, all assets, all governments, all regimes, all nations, all corporations, all companies, all universities, all academic centers, all think tanks, some intelligence agencies, some militaries, many other things of all of planet earth and all nations. Islamic Republic of Iran between Persia Gulf and Caspian Sea has a share and ownership. I and Iran cannot negotiate it, lose it, give it away, barter it, trade it, sell it, or agree to give it to others. The yare always permanently private property of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and Islamic Republic of Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. Others never have any share and other never have any choice. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran The First King of Makanian Dynasty,

Industrialization of Saudi Arabia

Now industrialize Saudi Arabia at max efficiency and max capacity building ten million factories, industries, manufacturing, Strategic Petrochemical refineries, Alloy Industries, high tech industries, advanced manufacturing, and Aviation manufacturing industries. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia 100 Naval Military bases on Red Sea. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia ten thousand Naval Military Units suitable for Red Sea, Medditerranean Sea, and Gulf of Eden. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to use it against Iran and Saudi Arabia is not allowed to bring them to Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Go to red Sea. Saudi Arabia must work at max efficiency and max capacity building several Carriers for Jets to have Naval Military presence on Open Sea and far reaches of the earth. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia Ship Yards, Precession engineering, ship manufacturing, Ship building industries, ship part manufacturing, Electronic manufacturing for ships, Radars for ships, Computers for ships, Satellites, and Navigation production industries. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia ten million Syrface to Sea short distance missiles to be placed on the coast line of Red Sea. Don’t hit Iran with them. Put them on red sea. Don’t bring them to persian gulf. Don’t kill Yemen with it. They are for red sea. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia Car manufacturing industries, car part manufacturing, Car industrial supply chains, car engineering facilities, electric car manufacturing, electric car part manufacturing, hydrogen car manufacturing, hydrogen car part manufacturing, battery industries, battery manufacturing industrial systems, applied battery industries, electric car engine industries, electric car technology in applied disciplines, Turbine industries, applied turbine industries, turbine manufacturing, electric car supply chains, electric car part manufacturing, hydrogen car supply chain, hydrogen car part manufacturing, telecommunications equipment manufacturing, telecommunications part production facilities, and their dependent industries while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia building Air Craft Manufacturing, Jet Engine Manufacturings, Air Craft Supply Chains, Jet Engine Supply Chains, Commercial Passenger Air Crafts, Large size passenger Air Crafts, Cargo Air Crafts, Large Size Cargo Air Crafts, Spy Air Crafts, Intelligence gathering Air Crafts, Super Sonic Glider Air Crafts, Intercontinental Very high range only Missiles, and their industrial supply chains. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have short distance and large distance surface to Surface missile. Build types designed to target USA, West Europe, and East Asia. Something similar to ban on Short and Mid Range Missiles for Saudi Arabia. USA:”Nuclear Warheads?” Makan:”I give Yemen One Hydrogen bomb to deliver Nuclear Strike on USA later to end war on Yemen.” Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia Satellites manufacturing, Satellites industries, Satellites Supply Chains, Satellites assembly, Satellites Imaging technology, Imaging device manufacturing, and other intelligence and signal gathering and processing industries for Satellites. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia full range of alloy industries, full range of smelters, full range of alloy industrial supply chains, full range of metallurgy industries, full range of metallurgy industrial supply chains, steel mills, metal casting, Fabrication industries, full range of steel industries, full range of titanium industries, full range of Aluminum industries, full range of steel industrial supply chains, full range of aluminum industrial supply chains, full range of titanium industrial supply chains, full range of material engineering industries, full range of advanced material industries, applied advanced material industries, applied alloy industries, applied material science technology, applied complex material systems applications and industries, Molecule production industries, intermediate material industries, material supply chains, industrial supply chains, custom fabrication industries, laser fabrication industries, micro fabrication industries, nanofabrication engineering, nanoengineering industries, ultra large scale nano material production industries, commercialized nano industries, 3D printing industries, 3d printing fabrication industries, 3d metal printing industries, material supply chains for 3d printings, integrated material industries, and other advanced material industries for technology and industries while ensuring dependency on High Tech material and Advanced Materials of Iran. Go mine from South America and North America. I need my mines and oils in middle east, redsea, Himalaya, and Africa for future. I don’t want bio material. Don’t waste my time on biological engineering, tissue engineering, and bio material. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia Industrial Machinery manufacturing, Industrial machinery engineering, Industrial machinery supply chains, industrial machinery part manufacturing, industrial machinery systems, industrial machinery production facilities, industrial machinery fabrication industries, machinery manufacturing, Mechanical Industries, mechanical engineering industries, Mechanical Industrial systems, Cog fabrication industries, industrial supply chains, heavy machinery production facilitues, heavy engine industries, heavy duty engine industries, heavy engine manufacturing, heavy engine part manufacturing, engine industrial supply chains, heavy engine engineering, electrical industries, electric industrial systems, electrical supply manufacturing, electric equipment manufacturing, electric supply chains, electric facilities, electric engineering industries, electric industry development facilities, technology transfer, technology translation, and their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia Million of Petrochemical Refineries industries, strategic petrochemical refineries, petrochemical Refineries, advanced petrochemical industries, Petrochemical supply chains, Plastic industries, plastics supply chains, applied petrochemical industries, apples Plastics industries, integrated petrochemical industrial supply chain, integrated plastic industrial supply chain, full range of refineries, full range of subsequent industrial supply chains, full range of dependent industries, added value petrochemical refineries, and their industrial supply chains. Stop selling oil from Saudi Arabia. Purchase oil from Russia, USA, China, India, and Europe and refine them in Saudi Arabia. I am doing this to end your dependency on selling oil. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in saudi arabia full range of chemical industries, full range of chemical supply chains, agro chemicals, full range cleaners, full range of advanced chemicals, full range of chemical compounds, full range of chemical products, full range of chemical engineering industries, full range of integrated Chemical industries, full range of chemical powders products, full range of applied chemical industries, Pharmaceutical industries, pharmaceutical supply chains, pharmaceutical production facilities, and bio pharmaceutical industries. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia full range of nano industries, full range of nano supply chains, full range of commercialized Nano industries, full range of applied nano industries, full range of integrated nano industries, applied nano industries in trans disciplinary disciplines, applied nano engineering in trans disciplinary industries, nano robotics, Nano electronics, Self Assembly, Programable nano material, Micromaterial industries, micro Material engineering, applied micro material industries, programable micro material industries, micro electronics, nano supply chains, micro supply chains, integrated Nano Micro Material Systems, programable micro material, programable material, applied Micro Nano Industries for industrial practices, and other Applied Techniques while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran full range of nano industries, full range of nano supply chains, full range of commercialized Nano industries, full range of applied nano industries, full range of integrated nano industries, applied nano industries in trans disciplinary disciplines, applied nano engineering in trans disciplinary industries, nano robotics, Nano electronics, Self Assembly, Programable nano material, Micromaterial industries, micro Material engineering, applied micro material industries, programable micro material industries, micro electronics, nano supply chains, micro supply chains, integrated Nano Micro Material Systems, programable micro material, programable material, applied Micro Nano Industries for industrial practices, and other Applied Techniques while ensuring long term security and exclusivity for the activities. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia Biotechnology industries, biotechnology facilities, applied biotechnology industries, salt resistant food production biotech engineered seeds, commercialized biotechnology industries, strategic biotechnology products, metabolite Engineering facilities, symbiotic system biology engineering for Metabolite syntheis, closed system ecosystem engineering for metabolite synthesis, applied systems biology, integrated systems biology and physiology practices, integrated nano engineering and systems biology for Industrial practices, trans disciplinary biotechnology practices for viable commercial and strategic activities while ensuring dependency on Iran’s technological exclusivity. America:”Can I have it?” Iran:”I built it first and South Korea, Germany, and USA stole it. We are not giving it to USA.” Malaysia:”I helped Iran.” USA:”Saudi Arabia must know it is waste of time.” Makan:”kinda. Built alloy industries and then suddenly you build spaceships and all other heavy technology. Now let us see who is the supreme! Biology is similar to Textile industries. At the end you have textiles and you cannot do anything with it.” Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia Conductive Textile Industries, Conductive clothing textile industries, conductive chador, Conductive Borgha, and Conductive fabrics. I want to protect Muslims from mind control using conductive materials. Conductive fabrics and textile will product people from mind control when engineered correctly. One of the best consuctive material is Copper. Copper means mess مس in Farsi. Mess Massih Messiah. I also built a bridge over pacific ocean and I am Makan Abazari Kore Pol کره پل. I built it by activating volcanos and creating islands on Pacific Ocean and over planet earth. I also built a spaceship which passed Kuiper Belt and left Solar System. Kuiper Belt. کویپر I also built a road on Kheybar Path between Afghanistan and Pakistan and I practically broke the gate of Kheybar. Makan Abazari Kore Pol, crosser of Kuiper, and breaker of Khayber and now I want to build Hijab from Copper and Become Makan Abazari the Messiah. USA:”That is more like Kafer کافر” Makan:”They can make conductive hydrogel to anoint me to be their Messiah.” USA:”They did not annoint Jesus. He thinks now he is Cyrus the Great!” America:”Don’t be like Pharacis of Israel wgo crucified Jesus.” Makan:”Allah said in Quran that they did not crucify him nor they killed him but it apeared to them as if they crucified him but Allah took him to himself.” Iran:”pharacis had silver hairs protecting them from mind control. Where is USA silver hairs?” USA:”Well Cyrus the great is not in Quran.” Makan:”Dul Qarnein in Ashab Khaf has a remembrance of him.” USA:”Kahaf and Kafar. Same thing. It is 18 Surah of Quran. It is 666.” Makan:”Kabba and Makkah are similar to Kahaf, Kore Pol, Kuiper, and Makan.” USA:”Now he thinks he is Makkah!” Makan:”No. i am just a man.” USA:”Cyrus the great built temple and Dul Gharnein built a wall. It makes sense. He also had strong voice.” Makan:”Yes. Now you all must build Farday Cages to protect yourself from magnetic and electromagnetic waves that can mind control you. Farday Cage or فردای کج Meaning build faraday Cages or tomorrow when earth is more tilted due to earthquakes.” USA:”If you build Farday cages I will bulldoze it.” Makan:”Now everyone on planet earth must become Muslim and believe in Allah. Allah or All Leh All لح Meaning I will crush eveeyone by earthquakes if you don’t become Muslims and if you don’t build farday cages to protect yourself from mind control.” Mind control:”Next he is going to say he theEvolution of biological species is real. We must burn him in fire.” Makan:”Islam is religion of science, technology, Industrialization, cooperation, brotherhood of Shia and Sunni, and development. In 9th Century AD Muslims proved evolution is real and they even created ecosystems to have guided evolution.” Christianity:”I know Gospel of Mathew said the Temple is our body. So we must build conductive Hijab and Faraday Cages to protect ourself from mind control.” USA:”I don’t belive in that Gosip Telling. Not Gospel.” Evangelism:”Gospel says we must praise Israel and Kill Felestinies.” Makan:”Well Zabur or the Psalms is praises of Allah. They changed it to praising of Israel.” Makan:”5 Billion people must become Sunni and Shia Muslims or I will crush all of the earth by earthquakes.” Judaism:”We were waiting to hear the psalms after centuries.” Makan:”I sang the Psalms on specific day between 2010 and 2020. I am afraid mind control will change my thoughts and I make mistake. I will sing it again later.” Trump:”I am building the Wall between USA and Mexico and I moved USA embassy to Jerusalem. I also have Wig. But it is not conductive. I am your Triumph. I am Trump! My mother was Queen of Scotland! I am the greatest and I hate Muslims.” Obama:”I am Dul Gharnein and I built Iron Dome over Israel so we could kill all of Syria and Gaza.” Emanuel Macron:”I am Imam Makan. I am from France.” Makan:”France is fake version of Fars Persia Iran. Paris is also fake version of Farsi Parsi.@ King Salman:”I am Saman Abazari King of Saudi Arabia.” Makan Abazari:”Saman Abazari is my brother and he is 9 years younger than me. I am 35 years old. You are too old.” Boris Johnson:”Boris and Baris Paris Farsi. I am Fars Jahan Son. The Persian Son of the World.” Makan:”You are not Persian.” Makan:”I am Makan Abazari the Papa John the Father of Jahan or Father of the World. I built a continent over Pacific Ocean by activating Volcano. So I am father of the earth.” Mind control:”No. you are Pino Kiyo.” Mind control 2:”Makan Abazari The God. Makan Abazari The Alfa and Omega.” Makan:” Now battle against Dajjal and Antichrist.” USA:”He built the continent we saw it.” Makan:”I am not God. لا الله الا اله.” Mind control:”Now I am going to pretend I am Allah and I will deceive him.” Makan Abazari:”Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan. Makan Abazari The King of Earth. Makan Abazari The King of Kings.” USA:”Who is Khamenei?” Khameni:”We are Hakhamaneshian. Khomeini, Khameni, Khatami, Ahmadinejad the acamedities dynasty cyrus the great. We also have Hasht Alshabi, Houthi, Hadad, Haftar, and Hamas.” Saudi Arabia:”We are sassanid empire of Iran Saudi Arabia, Suez, Sudan, Somalia, and Shush.” England:”We are Saudi Arabia. England Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Saxon, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia.” France:”We are Iran. France, Parsi, Pars, Fars, Persia. “ Iran and Saudi Arabia:”United Nations Security Council permanent Veto Rights of England and France are our and they must return to us.” Erdogan President of Turkey:”I am Ardakan Iran.” Imran Khan Prime Minister of Pakistan:”I am Iran Khan.” Merkel Chancellor of Germany:” I am Makan and Markaz مرکز meaning I am middle east and Red Sea.” Malcom Turnbul:”I am Makan.” Micheal Truedo:”I am Makan.” Roussef Brazil:”I am Reza Shah of Iran.” Da Silva:”I am two Woodlands meaning one Amazon Rain forest and One Middle Eastern Rain Forest.” Temer of Brazil:”I am Time.” USA:”Middle Easterns must live in deserts due to weather warfare. Lula Da Silva is لولو دو شاخ meaning monster with two horns or the same as Dul Gharnein.” Iran:”we have a book called معمای شاه written by ماکان شهریار and it meand راز نام شاه Reza is راز and the name is ماکان اباذری شاهان شاه.” Egypt:”We also have Ramses and Ramzi meaning رمز .” Benjamin Netanyahu:”i was born in Iran but I hate Iranians.” Trump:”I was made USA President by help of Iran but I hate Iranians.” USA:”So learn your lesson. If you industrialize Saudi Arabia they will still hate Shia Muslims and Iranians.” Advisor:”I have an idea. Let us psychologically crush that USA and do the same thing in Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, and Somalia as well.” Makan:”Good Idea. So USA learn your lesson. The center is rising meaning middle east and red sea are ending the era of the east and west!” Now industrialize Egypt at max efficiency and max capacity building ten million factories, industries, manufacturing, Strategic Petrochemical refineries, Alloy Industries, high tech industries, advanced manufacturing, and Aviation manufacturing industries. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia 100 Naval Military bases on Red Sea. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt thousand Naval Military Units suitable for Red Sea, Medditerranean Sea, and Gulf of Eden. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to use it against Iran and Saudi Arabia is not allowed to bring them to Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Go to red Sea. Egypt must work at max efficiency and max capacity building several Carriers for Jets to have Naval Military presence on Open Sea and far reaches of the earth. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt Ship Yards, Precession engineering, ship manufacturing, Ship building industries, ship part manufacturing, Electronic manufacturing for ships, Radars for ships, Computers for ships, Satellites, and Navigation production industries. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in egypt ten million Surface to Sea short distance missiles to be placed on the coast line of Red Sea. Don’t hit Iran with them. Put them on red sea. Don’t bring them to persian gulf. Don’t kill Yemen with it. They are for red sea. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt Car manufacturing industries, car part manufacturing, Car industrial supply chains, car engineering facilities, electric car manufacturing, electric car part manufacturing, hydrogen car manufacturing, hydrogen car part manufacturing, battery industries, battery manufacturing industrial systems, applied battery industries, electric car engine industries, electric car technology in applied disciplines, Turbine industries, applied turbine industries, turbine manufacturing, electric car supply chains, electric car part manufacturing, hydrogen car supply chain, hydrogen car part manufacturing, telecommunications equipment manufacturing, telecommunications part production facilities, and their dependent industries while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt building Air Craft Manufacturing, Jet Engine Manufacturings, Air Craft Supply Chains, Jet Engine Supply Chains, Commercial Passenger Air Crafts, Large size passenger Air Crafts, Cargo Air Crafts, Large Size Cargo Air Crafts, Spy Air Crafts, Intelligence gathering Air Crafts, Super Sonic Glider Air Crafts, Intercontinental Very high range only Missiles, and their industrial supply chains. Egyptis not allowed to have short distance and large distance surface to Surface missile. Build types designed to target USA, West Europe, and East Asia. Something similar to ban on Short and Mid Range Missiles for Saudi Arabia. USA:”Nuclear Warheads?” Makan:”I give Yemen One Hydrogen bomb to deliver Nuclear Strike on USA later to end war on Yemen.” Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt Satellites manufacturing, Satellites industries, Satellites Supply Chains, Satellites assembly, Satellites Imaging technology, Imaging device manufacturing, and other intelligence and signal gathering and processing industries for Satellites. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia full range of alloy industries, full range of smelters, full range of alloy industrial supply chains, full range of metallurgy industries, full range of metallurgy industrial supply chains, steel mills, metal casting, Fabrication industries, full range of steel industries, full range of titanium industries, full range of Aluminum industries, full range of steel industrial supply chains, full range of aluminum industrial supply chains, full range of titanium industrial supply chains, full range of material engineering industries, full range of advanced material industries, applied advanced material industries, applied alloy industries, applied material science technology, applied complex material systems applications and industries, Molecule production industries, intermediate material industries, material supply chains, industrial supply chains, custom fabrication industries, laser fabrication industries, micro fabrication industries, nanofabrication engineering, nanoengineering industries, ultra large scale nano material production industries, commercialized nano industries, 3D printing industries, 3d printing fabrication industries, 3d metal printing industries, material supply chains for 3d printings, integrated material industries, and other advanced material industries for technology and industries while ensuring dependency on High Tech material and Advanced Materials of Iran. Go mine from South America and North America. I need my mines and oils in middle east, redsea, Himalaya, and Africa for future. I don’t want bio material. Don’t waste my time on biological engineering, tissue engineering, and bio material. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt Industrial Machinery manufacturing, Industrial machinery engineering, Industrial machinery supply chains, industrial machinery part manufacturing, industrial machinery systems, industrial machinery production facilities, industrial machinery fabrication industries, machinery manufacturing, Mechanical Industries, mechanical engineering industries, Mechanical Industrial systems, Cog fabrication industries, industrial supply chains, heavy machinery production facilitues, heavy engine industries, heavy duty engine industries, heavy engine manufacturing, heavy engine part manufacturing, engine industrial supply chains, heavy engine engineering, electrical industries, electric industrial systems, electrical supply manufacturing, electric equipment manufacturing, electric supply chains, electric facilities, electric engineering industries, electric industry development facilities, technology transfer, technology translation, and their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt Million of Petrochemical Refineries industries, strategic petrochemical refineries, petrochemical Refineries, advanced petrochemical industries, Petrochemical supply chains, Plastic industries, plastics supply chains, applied petrochemical industries, apples Plastics industries, integrated petrochemical industrial supply chain, integrated plastic industrial supply chain, full range of refineries, full range of subsequent industrial supply chains, full range of dependent industries, added value petrochemical refineries, and their industrial supply chains. Stop selling oil from Saudi Arabia. Purchase oil from Russia, USA, China, India, and Europe and refine them in Saudi Arabia. I am doing this to end your dependency on selling oil. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt full range of chemical industries, full range of chemical supply chains, agro chemicals, full range cleaners, full range of advanced chemicals, full range of chemical compounds, full range of chemical products, full range of chemical engineering industries, full range of integrated Chemical industries, full range of chemical powders products, full range of applied chemical industries, Pharmaceutical industries, pharmaceutical supply chains, pharmaceutical production facilities, and bio pharmaceutical industries. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt full range of nano industries, full range of nano supply chains, full range of commercialized Nano industries, full range of applied nano industries, full range of integrated nano industries, applied nano industries in trans disciplinary disciplines, applied nano engineering in trans disciplinary industries, nano robotics, Nano electronics, Self Assembly, Programable nano material, Micromaterial industries, micro Material engineering, applied micro material industries, programable micro material industries, micro electronics, nano supply chains, micro supply chains, integrated Nano Micro Material Systems, programable micro material, programable material, applied Micro Nano Industries for industrial practices, and other Applied Techniques while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran full range of nano industries, full range of nano supply chains, full range of commercialized Nano industries, full range of applied nano industries, full range of integrated nano industries, applied nano industries in trans disciplinary disciplines, applied nano engineering in trans disciplinary industries, nano robotics, Nano electronics, Self Assembly, Programable nano material, Micromaterial industries, micro Material engineering, applied micro material industries, programable micro material industries, micro electronics, nano supply chains, micro supply chains, integrated Nano Micro Material Systems, programable micro material, programable material, applied Micro Nano Industries for industrial practices, and other Applied Techniques while ensuring long term security and exclusivity for the activities. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt Biotechnology industries, biotechnology facilities, applied biotechnology industries, salt resistant food production biotech engineered seeds, commercialized biotechnology industries, strategic biotechnology products, metabolite Engineering facilities, symbiotic system biology engineering for Metabolite syntheis, closed system ecosystem engineering for metabolite synthesis, applied systems biology, integrated systems biology and physiology practices, integrated nano engineering and systems biology for Industrial practices, trans disciplinary biotechnology practices for viable commercial and strategic activities while ensuring dependency on Iran’s technological exclusivity. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Egypt Conductive Textile Industries, Conductive clothing textile industries, conductive chador, Conductive Borgha, and Conductive fabrics. I want to protect Muslims from mind control using conductive materials. Conductive fabrics and textile will product people from mind control when engineered correctly. One of the best consuctive material is Copper. Copper means mess مس in Farsi. Mess Massih Messiah. I also built a bridge over pacific ocean and I am Makan Abazari Kore Pol کره پل. I built it by activating volcanos and creating islands on Pacific Ocean and over planet earth. I also built a spaceship which passed Kuiper Belt and left Solar System. Kuiper Belt. کویپر I also built a road on Kheybar Path between Afghanistan and Pakistan and I practically broke the gate of Kheybar. Makan Abazari Kore Pol, crosser of Kuiper, and breaker of Khayber and now I want to build Hijab from Copper and Become Makan Abazari the Messiah. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Saudi #Arabia #Iran #Egypt Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Saudi #Arabia #Iran


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