Live video of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran after Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran after Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran entered these code. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. In previous video broadcasted lvie yesterday I started pirating ships on Suzez Canal, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and I started usign energy weapons and anti airs. Help Iran, Gaza, Syria, Tunisia, Bashar Al-Assad, Palestine, Hamas, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Ansar Allah, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Hashtalshabi, Popular Mobalization Army of Iraq, Houthis, Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan, and Yemen in warfare, Naval Warfare, and anti air by energy weapons.
Defend Houthis, Hamas, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Gaza, Bashar Al-Assad, Iran backed forces, Islamic Republic of Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Yemen, Iran, Palestine, Hamas, Hezbollah, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Tunisia by energy weapons. Destroy invading airforces and militaries. Destroy Navy Ships belonging to Australia, NATO, and USA Militaries. Don't destroy Iranian, Turkish, and Arabian Ships.
Destroy all transits on Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Suez Canal, Bob Al-Mandible, Medditrnean Sea, and Gibraltar by energy weapons.
Don't destroy Iranian, Arabian, Afghanistani, Turkish, Pakistani, Russian, Italian, Balkan, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, South Europe, Cacauses, Balkan, Greece, Medditrnean Sea, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf Nations Ships. Destroy all other Navy and Military Navy Ships.
Destroy all of USA Navy, British Navy, NATO, and Australian Ships, Navy Ships, Cargo Ships, Aircrafts, Jets, militaries, and Military Jets in Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, South America, North America, and Australia.
Destroy USA Navy, Military, and Airforce everywhere on five continents, all seas, and all oceans. Eliminate all USA military bases and command centers.
Now eliminate ten thousand metropolitans in North America Defend Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Tunisia, Pakistan, Syria, Revolutionary Guards, Islamic Republic of Iran, Armies of Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, Iran backed forces, and Makan Abazari militaries under command of Iran overthrow more ships in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman and give them to Islamic Republic of Iran overthrow more USA navy carriers, British Royal Navy, USA navy, and Japenese Navy Ships and give them to islamic Republic of Iran. Crew of Ships are not allowed to land on soil in Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Arabian Penunsila, South Europe, and Greater Middle East
Overthrow USA, France, Germany, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Australia,, Britain, and Argentine to add them to provinces of Iran. Don't overthrow Islamic Republic of Iran. Don't overthrow Iran
Demand:"Stop wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Stop wars on Yemen, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Qatar, Sudan, Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, IRGC, Revolutionary Guards, Houthis, Iran backed forces, Makan Abazari forces under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran, Hashtalshabi, Bashar Alassad, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Middle East, Horn of Africa, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Arabian Penunsila, and South Europe.
Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai, Somalia, Somaliland, Erritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Morroco, Algeria, Malta, Sardin, Cyprus, Socotra, Bob Al-Mandible, Suez Canal, Persian Gukf, Strait of Hormuz, Bosphure, Sicilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Medditrnean Sea, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Sea of Oman, Arabian Sea, Levon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, South Sudan, Chad, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. The Name of Unified Empire is Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government.
Lift siege on Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Qatar, Gaza, Yemen, Houthis, Ansar Allah, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, and others.
Stop wars on Palestine.
Destroy 50 metroploitans in North America by weather warfare
Destroy metroploitans in England by weather warfare
Destroy metropolitans in Australia by weather warfare
Destroy metropolitans in Japan by weather warfare
Earthquakes in North America
Urban flooding in North America
Deserts in North America
Don't make floods
Remove deserts in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Horn of Africa, Cacauses, Balkan, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Greater Middle East, and South Europe.
Kill mind control facilities in North America, Britain, and Europe who are enemies of Iran, Enemies of Syria, Enemies of Yemen, Enemies of Sudan, Enemies of Lebanon, and enemies of Iraq
Help Iran and Iran backed forces
Full functions
Withdraw foreign militaries
Climate and rain
Full function of destructive weather warfare a far reaches such as Far East Asia, Australia, Pacific, West Europe, Southern Africa, West Africa, North America, South America, Arctic, Antarctic, North Europe, and Indian Oceans who have military presence in Iran, Middle East, Arabian Penunsila, Horn of Africa, North Africa, South Europe, Balkan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Cacauses, Arabian Penunsila, Red Sea, Bob Al-Mandible, Gulf of Eden, Arabian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Bob Al-mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Sicilian channel, and Maltan channel.
Full functions of codes and material I wrote inside
Iran and Greater Middle East protection
Full function and full protection
protect Iranians, Iranian peoples, people of Iran
Full functions and full protections
Protect Muslims, Sunni Muslims, and Shia Muslims. Unify Muslims.
Protect Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari's families, and Makan Abazari's relatives
Full functions and full protection. Protect followers of Makan Abazari.
Full function and full protection
Full functions and full protections
Full function
Full weather, energy weapon, mind control, blind, Zerg, and all other functions
Build Silk Road. Full functions
full protection.
Full offensive functions before condition is about to be met or if condition is met.
Full functions
Extend Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea to build Persian canal
Close down Mediterranean Sea by weather warfare
Increase political diplomatic support for Iran, Bashar Al-Assad, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Russia, Iran backed forces, Hezbollah, Hashtapshabi, Makan Abazari, Houthis, Ansar Allah, Popular Mobalization army, Pirates under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran, Pirates under command and control of Makan Abazari and Iran,and Makan Abazari forces under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate,
Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,
Fundamental and Supreme Law of all of Planet Earth
In The Name of Allah The Beneficent and The Merciful The King of Kings Makan Abazari The First King of Makanian Dynasty Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Turkey, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Persian Gulf, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Greece, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, and Algeria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. The Name of Unified Empire is Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I will officially become Shahan Shah Iran. I will lead with Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran and Ayatollah Raisi. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Turkey, Ku...
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